She was pretty! No, she really IS pretty. Guess who surprised over 160 Yoodoers at the premier screening of “She Was Pretty”, Malaysian edition? The main character herself, Diana Danielle!

Yoodoers getting comfy right before the premier screening of episode one!
A Viu Original show based on the highly popular 2015 K-drama of the same name, “She Was Pretty” (SWP) is… well, pretty great. So great, in fact, that Yoodo recent social media competition saw tons of Yoodoers spamming the comments excitedly in hopes of winning premium passes to the show’s viewing.

Here’s a quick peek of what went down at the “She Was Pretty” Malaysia Launch Event at Tropicana Gardens Mall.
In the end, 50 pairs of tickets were won by lucky fans on Yoodo social media… but that’s not all! Another 30 pairs of tickets were given out to lucky influencers and fans at the official launch of SWP Malaysia at the Tropicana Garden Mall on 21st June!

Yoodoers getting picture perfect with Custo!
The cinema screening itself, which took place at Dadi Cinema in Pavilion KL, saw the appearance of the Head of Yoodo, Chow Tuck Mun as well as VIPs from streaming platform Viu. After a quick speech by the former and a spree of group photos with Yoodo mascot Custo, the lucky winners quickly settled in to watch episode one of the drama.

Head of Yoodo Chow Tuck Mun and “She Was Pretty” main female cast Dania Danielle!
Everyone had their eyes glued to the cinema screen when the main female cast herself shocked the crowd with her sudden live appearance! Diana Danielle was all smiles as the crowd went wild, and the screening was definitely a lot livelier.

The crowd goes wild for the surprise appearance of Dania Danielle. Fun times!
This is just one of the many awesome perks of being a Yoodo user! Speaking of perks, you can watch “She Was Pretty” on Viu anytime, anywhere with the 20GB Viu add-on at ONLY RM7/month!

One of many picture perfect moments!