It’s the most wonderful time of the year…if you’re Chinese.

That’s right, folks, it’s time for reunion dinners, red red OOTDs, and ang paos. Lots of them! And we’ve got a few tips to ensure that your 2020 haul will be rich and generous:
Start doing those extra chores

Your folks will see you helping out and maybe decide you HAVE been a better child than usual. Plus if you get ahead of the cleaning now, you won’t have to break your back scrubbing the house from top to bottom before the reunion dinner. No sweeping while you’re celebrating, remember?
Don’t get married *just* yet

If you’re thinking of tying the knot, we sure hope you haven’t made any bookings for mid-January…because everyone’s budget will be tied up in figuring out how many angpaos they have to give out to family, friends and their friends’ kids too. You might be a teensy bit low on the list. So take it easy. Go slow. Enjoy the last year where you can Officially Be Single and gather angpows. Rake it in AFTER New Year, when all your other single friends have full pockets and happy hearts.
Learn exactly what to call your relatives…

The writer tryna figure out their family tree.
While it’s so much easier to call your mother’s brother’s wife ‘auntie’ or ‘uncle’ when they turn up during house visits, think of how impressed they’ll be when you greet them with an immediate “jiumu” or your dialect equivalent instead! Impressed enough to give you the good ang paos, probably. There’s one more thing you can do to boost your chances even more.
...and then butter them up kao kao

Wan sui, wan sui, wan wan sui!
Yes, you only see some of these people once a year. All the more reason to make a strong impression! Tell them how young and beautiful they still look, compliment their new outfit, ask about work and family, and…generally take an interest in their lives. It’s what you’d like for yourself too, we’re sure.
And when the ang paos do start turning up, better hope they’re from Yoodo, so you can…
Grab your Yoodo angpows and scan for extra ong
Because yes, we still love our Yoodoers and we want to sweeten the deal for everyone with our Mali Mali Ong campaign!

New users get to claim a packet of limited-edition Yoodo ang pao packets with their first SIM card, together with a special activation bonus. All Yoodo users will also get a chance to win an RM30 ang pao in their Yoodo wallet! Simply spend a minimum RM38 on your Data/Voice/SMS plan during the campaign to qualify (and enjoy free credit on us).
It’s not too late to start making plans for extra ang paos, so good luck to everyone, happy hunting…and Gong Xi Fa Cai!