Power Pass

Stream, shop, play, repeat with any of
our Power Passes!

Stream, shop, play, repeat with any of our Power Passes!

What can you do with 100GB?
Here are some ideas!

Video call everyone you know!
Play games until you turn pro
Binge that anime, even the filler episodes
Stream many seasons of a sitcom back-to-back
Shop til you…nah just don’t stop
Party through video conference for hours!

How to redeem?

Make sure you have data

You need to have base data in your current plan before you can subscribe to a Power Pass.

Purchase a Power Pass!

On your Yoodo App, click on the buy button for Power Pass at the Home Screen. Select 1, 3 or 12 hour Power Pass.


Your Power Pass will be activated immediately. Finished it already? You can get a Power Pass as many times as you want.