We speak different languages, and yet we can understand each other.
We have different traditions, and yet we celebrate it together.
We eat different types of food, and yet we can share a table.
We speak different languages, and yet we can understand each other. We have different traditions, and yet we celebrate it together. We eat different types of food, and yet we can share a table.

In turn, our identities make up every piece of Malaysia.

Create your Malaysian, share it with the world for your chance to be featured on our billboard and WIN Limited Edition Do It The Malaysian Way goodies!

40 winners walk away with our Do It The Malaysian Way merchandise each wave.

Here are some of our national icons designed through Build a Malaysian!

The Child Wonder
Prisha – Wide-eyed with wonder, curiously playful and opposite of a teacher’s pet. Always looking forward to her after-school ais krim roti. Unknowingly teaches adults that life is about simple pleasures.

The Masher Upper
Syarinah – Sarawakian, music masher, enthusiastic over tradition yet progressive-minded. Channels all her angsty teenage energy toward the uploading videos of her playing contemporary music with the traditional sape’.

The Everyday Courier
Abang Ali – Full-time delivery guy, part-time neighbourhood celebrity. Holding packages gets him fans, yet ironically he’s the one always asking for your photograph and autograph.

The Legacy Keeper
Mr. Ong – Lion dance master, martial arts sifu and low-key national treasure. Keeps traditions alive, not realising he’s a part of why Malaysia stays truly Asia.

(special shoutout to our heroes during the pandemic!)
Cik Siti – Brave nurse, lover of life and passionate caregiver. Her sincere smile is a beacon in the darkest times.

The Kind-Hearted Soul
Ramesh – Weekday 9 to 5-er, weekend animal rescuer. A humble hero with a heart of gold, championing the wellbeing of any and all strays.

The Pak Guard
Mr. Syed – Daily teh-o limau ais drinker and apartment protector. Guards his home away from home with a big smile on his face and his dapper white uniform. Might speak conversational Bahasa Malaysia better than you.

The Abang Burger
Encik Ramli – Professional patty flipper, beloved flavour-giver. Never listens to you whenever you say “no mayo”, yet still makes the best burgers ever.

The Excellent Student
Tan Chee Kong – Academic superstar and aspiring engineer, currently abroad while missing mee kari dearly. Only reason his CGPA is 4.0 is because 4.1 doesn’t exist.

The Local Parent
Mama Savitri – Housewife, slipper-wielder, tough-lover but soft-hearted. Occasionally wakes up her three boys at 5am and tells them it’s already 7pm. Loves online shopping but not willing to pay for the RM6.50 postage.

The Child Wonder
Prisha – Wide-eyed with wonder, curiously playful and opposite of a teacher’s pet. Always looking forward to her after-school ais krim roti. Unknowingly teaches adults that life is about simple pleasures.

The Masher Upper
Syarinah – Sarawakian, music masher, enthusiastic over tradition yet progressive-minded. Channels all her angsty teenage energy toward the uploading videos of her playing contemporary music with the traditional sape’.

The Everyday Courier
Abang Ali – Full-time delivery guy, part-time neighbourhood celebrity. Holding packages gets him fans, yet ironically he’s the one always asking for your photograph and autograph.

The Legacy Keeper
Mr. Ong – Lion dance master, martial arts sifu and low-key national treasure. Keeps traditions alive, not realising he’s a part of why Malaysia stays truly Asia.

(special shoutout to our heroes during the pandemic!)
Cik Siti – Brave nurse, lover of life and passionate caregiver. Her sincere smile is a beacon in the darkest times.

The Kind-Hearted Soul
Ramesh – Weekday 9 to 5-er, weekend animal rescuer. A humble hero with a heart of gold, championing the wellbeing of any and all strays.

The Pak Guard
Mr. Syed – Daily teh-o limau ais drinker and apartment protector. Guards his home away from home with a big smile on his face and his dapper white uniform. Might speak conversational Bahasa Malaysia better than you.

The Abang Burger
Encik Ramli – Professional patty flipper, beloved flavour-giver. Never listens to you whenever you say “no mayo”, yet still makes the best burgers ever.

The Excellent Student
Tan Chee Kong – Academic superstar and aspiring engineer, currently abroad while missing mee kari dearly. Only reason his CGPA is 4.0 is because 4.1 doesn’t exist.

The Local Parent
Mama Savitri – Housewife, slipper-wielder, tough-lover but soft-hearted. Occasionally wakes up her three boys at 5am and tells them it’s already 7pm. Loves online shopping but not willing to pay for the RM6.50 postage.

Get creative and #BuildAMalaysian on the spot! Learn more about our initiative in person and take part in fun activities.
Join us at The LINC KL!
#BuildAMalaysian Exhibition
Date: 15 August – 18 September 2022
Time: 10am to 10pm
Venue: Level 2, Event Space