We get it. We do. Sometimes you’re in the mood for Netflix and chill. Sometimes it’s Netflix and grill. Occasionally you might even want Netflix and thrills. So we’ve come up with some streaming suggestion for when that very particular mood strikes:
When you’re hungry enough to eat your phone
Two things might happen here: the images will satisfy that burning hunger, or tantalise you to the point of actually eating your phone. If it’s the latter, we’d like to know how it tasted.
Chef’s Table

Food meets art meets fine dining across six simply luscious seasons profiling the chefs on the cutting edge of cuisine. Discover a new appreciation for all the work that goes into that perfect restaurant plate and beyond. Dessert lovers will particularly enjoy Volume 4, dedicated to pastries and all the things that make life sweet.
Street Food

There’s no better way to know a people than to know their food. Get to know the recipes, ingredients and people behind local faves and elevated delights. Of course, the only thing we think is missing is a Malaysia episode…but until then, there’s always Jason’s Market Trails.

Surprise pasar-themed recommendation!
When you’ve just broken up
Break out the tissues and ice cream, it’s time to kick that heartbreak to the kerb. Or fully immerse yourself in it and come out the other side stronger. Either way works.
Someone Great

Sometimes you just gotta dance.
Romance might come and go, but besties are forever. When Jenny snags her dream job, it leads to her breaking up with her long-time boyfriend Nate. To get back on track, she contacts her close friends Erin and Blair for one last hurrah before she leaves town. Settle in and watch the girls rally and support each other, than call your own BFFs after.
He’s Just Not That Into You

We ain’t got time to play, here.
The film based on the self-help book based on a Sex and the City line (deep breath) is all about navigating relationships, communication and expectations. Now, we’re not saying jump straight back into a relationship right away. But we might be saying: take some notes, think about what you’d like out of your next dating-go-round, and when your partner is confusing…maybe just ask them what’s their deal.
When your office is driving you up the wall
Your boss sucks. Your colleagues suck. Your office aircon is never the right temperature. At least Netflix is there for you.
From the creators of sweet childhood standbys like Hello Kitty, Keroppi and My Melody comes *squints* a lesser panda who deals with her stressors by singing death metal in a karaoke box.

We just can’t make this up, guys.
Let off some steam with Retsuko as she tries to escape her office from hell. And no matter how awful your boss is, take comfort in the fact they’re not as bad as Section Chief Ton…or are they?
Kill Bill
Sometimes you just want to watch someone whack everything with a samurai sword.

No? Just us, then?
While it’s illegal to chop up your office with a sword, the law doesn’t say anything about watching The Bride take revenge on her ex-colleagues in the most satisfying ways possible. Sit back and embrace the carnage. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
When you just don’t feel like sleeping
Go from “don’t feel like sleep” to “absolutely can’t sleep or the monsters will get me”.
The Order

Our caption writer just ran off screaming. We’ll try again later.
As if college wasn’t scary enough already, The Order throws in werewolves, secret orders and a heaping helping of dark magic. If you horror fans are already howling for more, you’ll be pleased to know there’s more to binge; season 2 has already been confirmed.
Will our intrepid hero manage to save his sister from a cult of blood sacrifices? Will he survive being hunted by supernatural creatures and threatened with sharp objects? Will you ever sleep peacefully again?

Well, only one way to find out.
When you’re looking to just BINGE
Now you’ve had a taste of what’s in store, you might be wondering if you have enough hours in the day to watch them all…as well as enough data in your plan. But if you love watching new shows, you’ll love Yoodo!
Our new 20GB Netflix add-on gives you app-exclusive data for just RM10/month. Stream all you want, discover some new video niches, and keep on doing it better with your favourite customisable mobile plan. Now, where did we put that popcorn…