No, we ain’t cappin’. There IS a way to enjoy a mobile plan that’s not only FREE, but made exactly the way you like it! The trick? You need friends. Lots of friends. Better level up your networking game!

But if you’ve got the social charms, the next part’s easy peasy. Here’s how to save BIG bucks with your Yoodo plan:
Refer 2 Earn

It’s actually great news if your friends ain’t on Yoodo, because that means you could refer them to us! If they subscribe to a Yoodo plan thanks to your referral, you’ll get FREE 2,000 Yoodo points for each friend!
2,000 Yoodo points is worth RM20, which you can use to enjoy any of our products and services. Wanna renew your plan? Just use your Yoodo points! Wanna enjoy our ML:BB promo that’s only RM1? Just use 100 Yoodo points instead!

Any data, voice, SMS and Boosters you want are all purchasable using these points, so won’t have to spend a sen.
“But what about my friends?!”
Glad you asked! Your friends get a FREE 7GB upon activating their first Yoodo plan.

Basically, it’s a win-win. The best part is that there is no limit to how many friends you can refer Yoodo to. There’s no time limit either, so your plan can potentially stay free FOREVER as long as you convince your friends to switch to Yoodo.
Step by step to Refer 2 Earn
First you’ll need to fire up your Yoodo app. Make sure your app is running on the latest version!

If that’s all good, go to ‘’Account’ on the lower right of your screen, then click ‘Invite Friends’. You’ll then be able to share your unique invite link as well as unique code with all your buddies.

Once your friends have received the invite, you’ll just need to wait until they activate their first SIM. You’ll immediately get your 2,000 Yoodo points every time a friend does this, while THEY will get their FREE 7GB.

And that’s it! Now you’re ready to earn so many points that you’ll never have to pay for your mobile plan ever again. So why wait? Get started with Yoodo today.